Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

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Museum of The Asian-African Conference

It is located on Jl. Asia Afrika No. 65, It is near Gedung Merdeka.. This museum is memorabilia of the Asian-African Conference, The Museum is still part of Gedung Merdeka. The man who had idea to build this museum is Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M. Then, this building officially opened on 24th April 1980 in conjunction with the 25th years of Asian-African Conference. And.. it still open untill now..

There are many things we can learn from history.. it still our history.. the big world political history.. We held a big conference in bandung.. we make The Asian-African becom together as unity..
We should proud of it..

You can get a lot of information there.. and for the website is here : asianafricanmuseum.org

Here's the picture of the museum i took!

Here's the museum visiting hour!

And this is the Gedung Merdeka beside the museum

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